by The STORE EXPRESS Team on 25/08, 2022

Flexible Mannequin – STORE EXPRESS

We are proud to present our best-selling mannequins: The flexible mannequin! This unique mannequin, designed by our own STORE EXPRESS team is hand-made in Japan. Its unique flexibility makes it a highly customizable product. It offers great options for window displays as the mannequins can be positioned in any shape. Our high quality and competitive pricing make an attractive addition for shops, but do not let that limit you. They can also be a great addition as a prop in events or theater. You may let your creativity run free!

However, we are proudest of the production process of this mannequin. We work with a team of craftsmen in Japan who carefully produce our mannequins from head to toe. Our craftsmen have over 40 years of experience in mannequin production. Everything is created by hand, which means that our daily production is quite limited. Along with this careful and handmade production process comes great quality. We use high-quality materials such as PU resin, which is a thermosetting resin. This enables our great mannequin flexibility. The soft polyurethane body of the mannequin contains a thick metal wire which allows it to be positioned and re-positioned in any way imaginable. Every limb and finger can be adjusted up to the smallest details. On the outside, the mannequins are covered in shiny nylon fabric which gives them a smooth finish.

With our mannequins you can express your imagination as you wish. You can create fun and playful displays that reflect the atmosphere of your shop or project.

We are happy to present this product to you and offer a variety of models. We have men’s and women’s mannequins with a black, grey, or Ivory finish. We also offer two sizes for each.